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Kendallwood Farms encompasses three subdivisions (Kendallwood 2, 3 and 4). Located in Farmington Hills, Michigan, it includes over 500 residences. Kendallwood is within walking distance to the public library, post office, schools, and parks. We have easy access to I-696 at Orchard Lake Rd. and many excellent options for dining and shopping. The homes in our subdivisions are a mix of ranch, split-level, and colonial, most of which were built in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s. Our owners take pride in both their homes and the community.

About KFHA

Kendallwood Farms Homeowners Association (KFHA) represents all residents of Kendallwood Subdivisions 2, 3 and 4.
We are governed by the By-Laws and Deed Restrictions that are recorded with Oakland County. Copies of these documents can be found on the Resources page.

KFHA Membership

All who reside within the boundaries of Kendallwood Farms 2, 3 and 4 are considered members of KFHA.
Dues paying members have the right to vote and participate in meetings and events.

Restrictions & Zoning Laws

The rules and regulations (Restrictions) set forth by the original Kendallwood Corporation when the subdivisions were created, were and are intended to support the maintenance and beautification of the subdivision. These restrictions are unique to each of the 3 areas that make up Kendallwood Farms. You can determine in which area your home is located by reviewing the plat for each area.

Please visit the Resources page for links to the By-laws, Restrictions and Plat Maps.

Please review the Restrictions and the City of Farmington Hills Zoning Laws BEFORE beginning any construction or home improvement projects.

City Zoning Laws cover a wide variety of issues, including but not limited to: animals, basketball hoops, lawn grass and weeds, recreational equipment storage, firewood storage, anti-blight, sheds and accessory buildings, mechanical systems (such as generators), fences and much more. The City’s Zoning Department can be reached by calling 248-871-2520.

Charter Code of Ordinances

Safety & Security

The Association encourages all residents to work together for the safety and security of all neighbors. There are several ways to do this: report suspicious activity to the Farmington Hills Police Department (911 in an emergency or 248-871-2600 for non-emergencies); get to know your neighbors; watch your speed while driving; pay attention to your surroundings and traffic while walking and biking.

While the ‘official’ speed limit is 25 MPH, the safest speed for our subdivision, with its winding roads and lack of sidewalks, is 20 MPH.

Board of Directors

The Kendallwood Farms Homeowners Association Board of Directors is elected each year at the annual Homeowners Association meeting. We are unpaid volunteers who work to make our subdivision better for all homeowners. Our duties include maintaining the entrance on Farmington Road, writing and distributing newsletters, maintaining the website, planning and hosting social events, and collaborating with local government. The Board meets periodically throughout the year. We welcome any residents who would like to help, either by joining the Board or any committee, project or event. The Board has adopted the following Mission Statement:

The mission of KFHA is to promote a sense of community, enhance livability, safety, and the interests of the homeowners. Our goal is to preserve and enhance property values and the quality of life in our community.

President: Sandra Groves

Vice-President: Claudia Brim

Secretary: Dayna Menken

Treasurer: Norma Greeley

Member: Venise Strassberg